Dec 9, 2011

I'm sorry i disappoint.

I am Jack's Bleeding Heart.

And so it is. The disappointment of my parents. I’ve tried to be a good person. If they even knew the things I gave up or tried to do to make them happy. It’s sickening how they shoot me down; it’s even worse how much this affects me. I’ve always fancied my emotional defence like a wall; impenetrable, impermeable and invulnerable. But it seems so fragile now.

I guess this ranting to digital silence is somewhat therapeutic. It certainly makes me feel better whenever I type this out.

Nov 28, 2011

by 31 dec 2011, i would have:
#1. Set up my resume
#2. Applied to HK Law firms
#3. Finished IPPT
#4. taken a good good good break.